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Hampstead Tea, Earl Grey, 3.53 oz心得 很滿意


Hampstead Tea, Earl Grey, 3.53 oz價格



  • Hampstead Tea London
  • A Zesty Fragrant Leaf Tea
  • Demeter
  • All Ingredients are Biodynamic/Organic
  • USDA Organic
Organic Early Grey Leaf Tea - ?Zesty and Fragrant

Hampstead Tea, Earl Grey, 3.53 oz

To enjoy my Earl Grey tea, infuse one level teaspoon per cup in freshly boiled water for 3 minutes. Add lemon and honey if you like, and in the summer why not try it iced.

Black leaf tea, natural oil of bergamot.


It's the zing from the bergamot oil- that lovely zest from Sicilian citrus fruit- that makes my Earl Grey such a perfect companion to a pastry or dessert.

uniqlo airism男And because I use only organic Darjeeling, you get a well balanced, natural and fragruniqlo airism心得ant cup of tea.

Rajah, my friend who owns the Makaibari Estate where this tea comes from, lives by this simple mantra: "the better the soil, the better the taste". And in this spirit he created the world's first organic biodynamic tea garden, where the tea pickers, wildlife and tea bushes all live in harmony with each other in an environment free of chemical pesticides.

Demeter Organic Biodynamic certification is regarded as the highest grade or organic farming in the world and reflects a commitment to biodiversity, soil husbandry, livestock integration and the prohibition of genetically engineered organisms.


Hampstead Tea, Earl Grey, 3.53 oz


Hampstead Tea, Earl Grey, 3.53 oz介紹


Hampstead Tea, Earl Grey, 3.53 oz心得


Hampstead Tea, Earl Grey, 3.53 oz價格



Hampstead Tea, Earl Grey, 3.53 oz商品



Hampstead Tea, Earl Grey, 3.53 oz商品



Hampstead Tea, Earl Grey, 3.53 oz商品

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Hampstead Tea, Earl Grey, 3.53 oz金門

Hampstead Tea, Earl Grey, 3.53 oz馬祖

uniqlo airism心得

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